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Transferring files and directories

An important requirement for remote development is ability to transfer files and directories between local and remote host. WinGDB offers several options for that task. Transfer functions provided by WinGDB are divided in two groups: project/solution-scoped and directory-scoped transfers.

Project and solution scoped transfers

Those functions copy all files belonging to a project or solution in Visual Studio. In order to use them, you need to configure the following first:

Once you have entered login info and established directory mappings, you can transfer all files in the project or solution to remote machine by just right-clicking on the solution and choosing Transfer to remote from WinGDB menu. You do not need to specify any other information, this is one-click option.

The Transfer from remote option downloads files instead of uploading them. In other aspects, it is identical to Transfer to remote.

These options use mappings to determine where the files should be copied and will ignore files if:

Transfer to remote will create missing directories on remote side. To be able to do this and copy actual files, it must have appropriate write permissions. You will be notified in case of errors during copy, including lack of permissions.

The transfer makes sense only for separate storage (synchronized type of mapping). If you have your project/solution files on a network shared volume (e.g. Samba), do not transfer. Windows will synchronize the files automatically for you.

Directory scoped transfers

If you want to transfer files which do not belong to current project/solution or are not withing any mapping, you can use directory-scoped transfer functions. These are not related to projects and mappings, you just specify source and target directory.

These functions are available from main WinGDB menu (not the project/solution one). Find the Transfer submenu and choose Download directory... or Upload directory... option.

The following dialog will appear in both cases:

There are the following parameters:

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